DIY projects plans

DIY Montessori activity and weaning table

DIY Montessori activity and weaning table

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Why is a DIY Montessori table useful?

Home is the most important learning environment for children because its typically where they spend much of their time growing up, learning, and developing. We believe that A Montessori style room can serve as a foundation for developing important life skills such as creativity and critical thinking.

A table that is the appropriate size for your child is a great way to create an environment that prepares and equips the child to learn more naturally. We designed a DIY Montessori table with the child’s size in mind. We believe that a child can feel more included and independent and can participate in activities alongside their family better if they are enabled to do so with the table.

This table can be used for Montessori education and is indispensable for activities and learning and participating is art, science, culture, etc.

What is the benefit of a weaning table?

The table can serve as a weaning table in the dining room during meals. Its sturdy, simple, and perfect for better including your child in family meals. when your child is finished with the meal, they can excuse themselves from the table instead of being bound by a highchair. The weaning table allows children to come and go as needed. It’s an important feature of the table to allow for the development of confidence and independence.

This DIY Montessori table is a part of a set that includes not only the appropriately sized chairs but also other furniture pieces that enable your child to thrive.

What are the specs of the table?

This table 24 inches deep x 18 inches wide and 19.25 inches tall.

The table is part of a larger set designed for a Montessori room.

Joints and cuts are easy to do and are designed for beginners to woodworking. The step-by-step instructions provide an easy and straight forward guide and include helpful links to materials and tools needed.

The project uses material that is widely available in most hardware stores and requires basic woodworking tools. 

What other Montessori room pieces are a part of this room set-up?

Lego play and storage system plans can be found here.

Floor shelf plans can be found here.

Wall shelf plans can be found here.

Step stool plans can be found here.

Chair plans can be found here.

Activity and weaning table plans can be found here.

Twin size floor bed plans can be found here.

Children’s wardrobe plans can be found here.

Storage and activity shelf plans can be found here.   

DIY Montessori activity and weaning table
DIY Montessori activity and weaning table
DIY Montessori activity and weaning table
DIY Montessori activity and weaning table

Time to build 

1 hours 

Total cost of build


Skill level required


Download the PDF plans

DIY Montessori table

Plans for how to build the DIY Montessori activity and weaning table.

What is included in the PDF download? 


    1. Easy to read step by step instructions
    2. Material list
    3. Cut list
    4. Tools needed 
    5. 3D illustrations 
    6. Helpful links to tools and materials needed for the project

Recommend tools for this project

  • Saw (miter saw recommended for precision cuts) 
  • Drill 
  • Impact driver with bit for screws 
  • Sander 
  • wood countersink drill bit


Cut list and material list

Available with purchase of PDF plans.  

DIY Montessori activity table

Step 1 (Montessori activity and weaning table)

First, cut the lumber pieces into the dimensions into the following dimensions. 

          • (4) 2in x 2in x 18.5 in
          • (1) smooth plywood sheet 18 in x 24 in
          • (2) 1in x 2in x 24 in
          • (4) 1in x 2in x 16.5 in
DIY Montessori activity and weaning table cut list 2 x 2
DIY Montessori activity and weaning table cut list 1 x 2
DIY Montessori activity and weaning table cut list 1 x 2
DIY Montessori activity and weaning table cut list plywood

Step 2 (Montessori activity and weaning table)

Next assemble the frame of the table using two of the 16.5 in 1×2 lumber pieces and two 24in 1×2 lumber piece as shown in the diagram below.

Apply glue to all the areas that will be joined together. Predrill holes for the screws and add the 2.5 inch screws.

predrilling is important to prevent the wood from splitting and to create an overall stronger joint. 

DIY Montessori table frame assembly

Step 3 (Montessori activity and weaning table)

Next, add four of the 18.5 inch 2×2 lumber pieces and two of the 24 in 1×2 lumber pieces and add them to the table frame as shown below.

Predrill, add glue, and add screws as shown.

DIY Montessori table leg assembly
DIY Montessori table leg assembly
DIY Montessori table leg assembly
DIY Montessori activity and weaning table leg assembly
DIY Montessori activity and weaning table leg assembly
DIY Montessori activity and weaning table leg assembly

Step 4 (Montessori activity and weaning table)

Next, add the tabletop. Apply glue to all the areas that will be joining to the frame. Add four screws as shown below from the bottom of the table. It’s better to add screws from below so that the table doesn’t have any areas that would cause a pencil, maker, or writing utensils to slip.

DIY Montessori activity and weaning table top assembly

Step 5 (Montessori activity and weaning table)

The final step is to sand down the table.

I start sanding with a rough grit sandpaper. Usually about 80-grit. Then, for the final touch I use a fine grit. Usually, a 220-grit.

It is important to round the corners to prevent injury in case your child bumps their head into an edge.

DIY Montessori activity and weaning table completed
DIY Montessori activity and weaning table
DIY Montessori activity and weaning table
DIY Montessori activity and weaning table
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