DIY projects plans

Rustic wheelbarrow made from IKEA KNAGGLIG crate nestled amongst blooming potted plants in a vibrant garden.

DIY Decor: The IKEA KNAGGLIG Box Meets Rustic Wheelbarrow

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Reimagining IKEA: The Advent of Crate Hacks

Get ready to breathe new life into your garden decor. The much-loved IKEA KNAGGLIG box takes on an unexpected, exciting new role! You’re familiar with the sleek aesthetic, the almost magical assembly instructions, and their delicious Swedish meatballs. But what if I said, let’s reimagine IKEA? Let’s move from the realm of the obvious to the domain of the unexpected, turning simple storage into a garden masterpiece.

Rustic wheelbarrow made from IKEA KNAGGLIG crate nestled amongst blooming potted plants in a vibrant garden.
Rustic wheelbarrow made from IKEA KNAGGLIG crate nestled amongst blooming potted plants in a vibrant garden.
Rustic wheelbarrow made from IKEA KNAGGLIG crate nestled amongst blooming potted plants in a vibrant garden.
Rustic wheelbarrow made from IKEA KNAGGLIG crate nestled amongst blooming potted plants in a vibrant garden.
Rustic wheelbarrow made from IKEA KNAGGLIG crate nestled amongst blooming potted plants in a vibrant garden.
Rustic wheelbarrow made from IKEA KNAGGLIG crate nestled amongst blooming potted plants in a vibrant garden.

Unleashing Creativity with IKEA's KNAGGLIG Box

We’ve taken the humble KNAGGLIG box on a whirlwind of transformation. Like discovering a gold nugget in a stream, we’ve found ourselves staring at the unpretentious KNAGGLIG box, and seeing in it a world of potential. A creative spark has made its home in the crate, ready to ignite your imagination.

The Unseen Potential of IKEA's KNAGGLIG Box

The KNAGGLIG box, simple, minimalistic, versatile, why not give it the spotlight? Imagine taking this IKEA gem and melding it with the allure of nostalgia, the rustic charm of a country wheelbarrow. Suddenly, it’s not just a box. It’s a DIY masterpiece, a countryside dream nestled in your urban garden.

Why IKEA's KNAGGLIG Box is the DIY Masterpiece You Need

No, this isn’t your regular run-of-the-mill crate. DIY introduces an IKEA hack worth its weight in gold. All you need is a KNAGGLIG box poised atop a handcrafted wooden wheelbarrow, sprinkled with a generous dose of creativity and elbow grease. It’s the masterpiece your garden has been awaiting all along.

Ingenious Ways to Transform Your IKEA Crate

Now, it’s time to let the fun begin. Deck it out with pots of colorful, blooming flowers, or fill it to the brim with your favorite books or knitting supplies. Let it cradle your most cherished collector’s items or develop into a mystical fairy garden. The idea is to let your perfect rustic wheelbarrow resonate with your creativity. The options are manifold.

A Wheelbarrow Full of Fun: An Unconventional IKEA Crate Hack

Yes, you’re right, the wheel does turn! And that means the wheelbarrow is functional, injecting a sense of movement and vitality into your garden’s landscape. Think of the memories you’ll create, curating and nurturing your unique garden attraction.

From Storage to Style: The Multipurpose Wheelbarrow

Don’t restrict your wheelbarrow to just one purpose! Special functions are just one part of its personality. Let this multifaceted creation run wild, from storing cozy blankets in your living room to becoming your bathroom organizer, from displaying your favorite wines to holding heirloom toys. All it takes is a bit of your imaginative essence.

Creating a Storage Décor Masterpiece: The IKEA Crate Journey

When we began this journey, it was about transforming a simple wooden crate into something extraordinary. It’s this journey that truly encapsulates the joy of DIY. To see dreams morph into tangible creations that reflects your personality, and to then share it with family and friends, is the essence of DIY magic.

Revamping Your Rustic Décor with a KNAGGLIG Box

As we stand back and marvel at the rustic charm of our wheelbarrow, we realize something. What we’ve created isn’t just an item of rustic decor. Our KNAGGLIG box, nestled in its handmade wheelbarrow, is now a touchstone, a beacon reminding all who look upon it of the magic that lives within us, released with the power of our creativity.

Breathing Life into Your Outdoor Decor: An IKEA Hack

So, here’s the question: ready to spruce up your garden with the KNAGGLIG box? Ready for that adventure, that rush of creating something unique and then using it to tell your story? Because at the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about. Enriching our lives with a blend of nature, creativity and IKEA hacks.

How IKEA's Crate Becomes the Perfect Garden Companion

Our garden wheelbarrow has become so much more than a decor piece. It’s a companion, a testament to the resilience of mother nature and the ingenuity of human creativity. And this is only the beginning.

Spruce up Your Garden with this Simple KNAGGLIG Transformation

If you are looking to add a splash of warmth, creativity, and rustic charm to your garden, the IKEA KNAGGLIG crate may just be your answer. IKEA hacks don’t always have to be about creating more storage – sometimes, a simple rustic transformation can breathe new life into your garden.

An IKEA Hack to Jazz Up Your Garden

Combine the spirit of rural escapes, the modern style of IKEA, and the enchantment of DIY to jazz up your garden. Our IKEA crate transformation could be just what your garden needs to become even more inviting, more relaxing, and more a reflection of you.

The Ultimate IKEA Hack: A Rustic Wheelbarrow for all Your Needs

It’s the IKEA hack that not only makes your garden a more charming place but also makes life just that bit easier. And let’s face it, we could all do with more of that in our lives, couldn’t we?

Invigorate Your Garden with this IKEA Crate Hack

This labor of love not only imbues your garden with an invitingly vibrant personality but reminds us all of the joy and satisfaction that comes from creating. So are you ready to invigorate your garden with this IKEA crate hack?

Time to build

About 1 hour

Cost of fence build

$40 (Much more efficient to build multiple at a time) 

Skill level required


Download the PDF plans

Rustic wheelbarrow made from IKEA KNAGGLIG crate nestled amongst blooming potted plants in a vibrant garden.


In the PDF download, you can find:

– Clearly written, step-by-step instructions
– A comprehensive list of materials required
– A detailed cut list for each piece
– A list of essential tools for the project
– Visual diagrams to guide you through the process 

Recommend tools and materials

Ready, set, build! Swing into action with your tool and material list right here– let’s get crafting!

Lumber list and cut list

Shape your crate masterpiece! Lumber list here.

DIY Modern Farmhouse Table Dimensions ​

IKEA KNAGGLIG wheelbarrow DIY dimensions

Step 1: Shape the Framework

Let’s start by shaping the backbone of our wheelbarrow – the frame. You’ll need two pieces of 2×3 lumber, each about 34-5/16 inches long. Take your saw and shape the tips at 60-degree angles as shown in the diagram.

Next, grab two 10-1/2″ long 2×2 lumbers. Take each piece and trim one end at a similar 60-degree angle. Attach these to your 2×3 pieces using a bit of wood glue and 2-inch nails. Use thin nails to prevent the wood from splitting.

Now, for extra support, let’s introduce two more lumber pieces to our frame. You’ll need one 4-3/16″ piece and one 8-5/8″ piece of 2×2 lumber. Trim both ends of each piece at an 8-degree angle.

Once your pieces are ready, it’s time to bring them together. Use your diagram as a guide to arrange the parts, stick them together with wood glue and secure with your nail gun.

Tip: While measuring and cutting, it’s ok if things are not absolutely perfect. As you nail the pieces together, they will often align naturally. And remember, a little flexibility relaxes the wood and makes it less likely to crack. 

Creating the frame of the IKEA KNAGGLIG wheelbarrow
Creating the frame of the IKEA KNAGGLIG wheelbarrow
adding the handles to the Creating the frame of the IKEA KNAGGLIG wheelbarrow
adding the handles to the Creating the frame of the IKEA KNAGGLIG wheelbarrow
Adding the frame supports of the DIY wheelbarrow
Adding the frame supports of the DIY wheelbarrow
Putting the frame together
Putting the frame together

Step 2: Constructing the Leg Stands

Title: Laying the Foundation – Creating the Leg Stands

Step 2: Constructing the Leg Stands

For a robust and steady base, let’s move on to the leg stands. You’ll need two 3-3/8″ 2×2 lumbers and one 8-5/8″ 2×2 lumber. Simply combine them using your trusty wood glue secure them with 2-inch nails from your nail gun.

Now, it’s time to marry these stands with the wheelbarrow frame you’ve just created. Align as indicated in the diagram below and affix them in place. Et voila! The skeleton of your wheelbarrow is ready.

Tip: Make sure the stands are equally level to ensure your wheelbarrow sits steady ‘on its feet.’ A carpenter’s level can be a handy tool in this process.

adding the wheelbarrow legs
adding the wheelbarrow legs

Step 3: Designing and Installing the Wheel

The wheel greatly adds to the charm of this DIY wheelbarrow. Depending on how you intend to use your wheelbarrow, we’ve got two ways of crafting the wheel.

If you’re planning for a working wheelbarrow, let’s make a sturdy wheel. Take two pieces of 1×12 lumber and arrange them with the grains intersecting. Use a generous amount of glue, let it dry before proceeding. This cross-hatching technique gives strength, much like in plywood.

If you’re envisioning your wheelbarrow as a decorative piece, a single piece of 2×12 lumber will do the job. Simply trace out your wheel and cut it.

In both cases, the wheel diameter is 11-1/4″. We suggest a jigsaw for a smooth cut, but feel free to use a tool you’re comfortable with.

Next, drill a 1/2 inch diameter hole in the wheel’s center – this is for the axle. Similarly, drill holes into the wheelbarrow frame as indicated in the diagram. Remember, it’s best to drill each hole separately for striking the right alignment.

To install the wheel, introduce a 1/2″ thick dowel through the drilled holes, snugging the wheel in between. Secure it into place with some glue and a few taps of a hammer if necessary. If the wheel doesn’t turn easily at first, don’t worry, a bit of spin practice will soon make it rotate effortlessly.

Tip: If you’re building the stronger wheel, make sure your glue is dry before you start the cutting process. 

cutting out the wheelbarrow wheel
cutting out the wheelbarrow wheel
cutting out the wheelbarrow wheel
cutting out the wheelbarrow wheel
Adding the wheel to the wheelbarrow
Adding the wheel to the wheelbarrow
adding the wheel dowel to wheelbarrow

Step 4: Affixing the Crate

Here comes the fun part – attaching the crate! IKEA’s KNAGGLIG box is an excellent choice due to its fitting measurement of 18×12 ¼x9 ¾”. However, feel free to explore other options as the wheelbarrow frame is designed to accommodate a variety of crate sizes around the aforementioned measurements.

Once you’ve made your choice, it’s time to secure the crate to the wheelbarrow. A combination of wood glue and nails will keep it steadfast. Now, sit back and admire your stylish, handcrafted wheelbarrow.

Tip: Make sure you position the crate nicely centred on the wheelbarrow frame to maintain a good balance. A well-balanced wheelbarrow is not just more practical, but it also looks more aesthetically pleasing.  

Adding the crate to the wheelbarrow

Step 5: Detailing and Decoration

With the wheelbarrow structure all set, we now move on to giving it a characteristic rustic finish. This isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s also about ensuring a smooth and safe texture, particularly if children will interact with it. Begin with a round of sanding to smooth out any rough edges or splinters.

Now, onto the decor adventure. One can never go wrong with a natural, rustic finish. Achieve this by applying a light coat of wood stain. The stain pulls out the wood’s grain, offering an elegant aged appearance. Remember to apply the stain with the grain, not against it. Let the stain soak in before wiping off the excess, and allow it to dry completely. This not only increases the wheelbarrow’s appeal but also helps protect the wood from weather elements.

For those wanting a pop of color, consider painting the wheelbarrow. Distressed chalk paint can lend a country vintage vibe while still maintaining the rustic edge. Simply apply a few coats of your selected chalk paint, let dry, then gently sand at areas where natural wear would occur.

Another option is the white-washed look, providing a slightly faded but clean appearance that works particularly well with coastal, farmhouse or Scandinavian decor styles. Mix equal parts of white latex paint and water, and brush it on the wheelbarrow. Wipe down with a rag to rub the paint into the wood and remove the excess.

Lastly, stencil work can add a personalized touch. Whether it’s a simple design, a favorite quote, or your family name, it can be that extra charming detail that sets your wheelbarrow apart.

Always remember, DIY projects are an expression of your personality and style, so feel free to experiment and make this wheelbarrow uniquely yours.

Tip: Applying a clear protective sealer after the paint or stain dries will further protect your wheelbarrow from the elements, and provide a beautiful finishing touch.  

finishing touches to wheelbarrow
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